Tier 2 Species:

are known to occur at currently low population within the PRISM boundary. All are potentially high impact and currently low abundance, with known control measures that make Eradication attainable as a Management Goal.

Download links to fact sheets for these species can be found at our Useful Links section.


Aquatic Animal

Scientific NameCommon Name NY RankRegulatory Status
Channa argusNorthern snakeheadHProhibited
Corbicula flumineaAsian clamHProhibited
Dreissena bugensisQuagga musselVHProhibited
Viviparus georgianusBanded mysterysnailH

Aquatic Plants

Scientific NameCommon Name NY RankRegulatory Status
Aldrovanda vesiculosaWaterwheelU-H?
Cabomba carolinianaFanwortHProhibited
Eichhornia crassipesWater hyacinthU-H?
Hydrocharis morsus-ranaeEuropean frogbit; common frogbitVHProhibited
Najas minorBrittle naiadM
Nymphoides peltataYellow floating heartHProhibited
Pistia stratiotesWater lettuceVH

Terrestrial Animals

Scientific NameCommon Name NY RankRegulatory Status
Lilioceris liliiLily leaf beetleM
Lycorma delicatulaSpotted lanternflyH

Terrestrial Plants

Scientific NameCommon Name NY RankRegulatory Status
Acer pseudoplantanusSycamore mapleH
Akebia quinataChocolate vineM
Aralia elataJapanese angelica treeVH
Clematis ternifloraJapanese virgin's-bowerH
Daphne mezereumDaphneU
Euonymus fortuneiWinter creeperH
Heracleum mantegazzianumGiant hogweedH
Humulus japonicusJapanese hopsH
Kolkwitzia amabilisBeautybushH
Lamiastrum galeobdolonYellow arch-angelM
Lonicera japonicaJapanese honeysuckleVHProhibited
Miscanthus sinensisChinese silvergrassH
Paulownia tomentosaPrincess tree; Empress Tree; Royal paulowniaM
Perilla frutescensBeefsteak plantH
Persicaria perfoliataMile-a-minute; Asiatic tearthumbH
Petasites hybridusPestilence wortM
Pyrus calleryanaCallery pearH
Rhodotypos scandensBlack jetbeadM
Syringa reticulataJapanese-tree lilacM
Vincetoxicum rossicumPale swallowwortVH

*NY Rankings

VH - Very High, H - High, M - Moderate, L - Low, U - Unknown