Current Catskill Center RFQ

The 2025 CRISP request for proposals opened December 9th, 2024 and closed January 15th, 2025.  Five proposals were submitted and CRISP is happy to announce that the Otsego County Conservation Association’s “Detect, Delegate and Develop: A Multi-tiered Approach to Invasive Management” has been selected.  Their proposal focused on Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) of Tier 1 and 2 invasive species and expanded on their EDRR program of previous years.  OCCA has previously been involved with managing water chestnut (Trapa natans), European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae), and yellow floating heart (Nymphoides peltata) with the CRISP Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) team throughout Otsego, Herkimer, and Delaware Counties. This year’s funding will further expand their management area and to assist in management of mile-a-minute (Persicaria perfoliata) along Charlotte Creek in Delaware County and a new infestation of Swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum spp.) in Arnold Lake State Forest.  OCCA will also be conducting bi-weekly monitoring of spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) in high traffic tourist destinations throughout Otsego County.  

OCCA will also be working to recruit and train volunteers to help hand pull AIS while educating them about the impacts of invasive species.  Additionally, OCCA will be working with the Otsego County Planning Department to develop educational curricula for local government transportation departments to help slow the spread of invasive species along transportation corridors.  The training programs will be aimed at local highway departments and municipal officials and will focus on identifying and documenting common roadside invasives and best management practices departments can take to minimize disturbance and prevent the spread of invasives.

OCCA is receiving $18,805 to help fund the hiring of part-time seasonal staff and fund OCCA staff involved in the project.  

Previous CRISP Funded Projects



Clean, Drain, Treat Kits Outreach - SUNY Oneonta - Research Foundation

CRISP Education and Outreach - Cornell Cooperative Extension Columbia Greene

Maintaining Hemlock Insectary & Native Planting - Matty's Landscaping

Monitoring and Managing Ash Project - Ecological Research Institute

Otsego Invasives Intervention & Education - Otsego County Conservation Association

Rapid Response for Japanese Angelica Tree - Buck Environmental Solutions

Watershed Steward Program - Canadarago Lake Improvement Association


CRISP Education and Outreach - Cornell Cooperative Extension Columbia Greene

CRISP Watershed Stewards Program - SUNY Oneonta, Research Foundation

Design CRISP Logo - Trampoline Advertising & Design

Japanese Angelica Tree Treatment and GOCART AIS Management - Otsego County Conservation Association

Maintaining Hemlock Insectary & Native Planting - Matty's Landscaping

Watershed Steward Program - Canadarago Lake Improvement Association


CRISP Watershed Stewards Program - SUNY Oneonta, Research Foundation

Watershed Steward Program - Canadarago Lake Improvement Association