We Need Lanternfly Spotters!

CRISP is looking for volunteer Lanternfly Spotters to monitor for Spotted Lanternfly. Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive pest from Asia that feeds on 100 plant species including tree-of-heaven and threaten's New York's apple and grape crops. Here's how you can help!

Join our listserve

To join (subscribe to) the CRISP listserve, send an e-mail to: cce-crisp-l-request@cornell.edu 

For the Subject of your message, type the single word "join" (without the quotes). Leave the body of the message blank; do not include any signature block or any other text in the body of the email..

See what we've been up to

View presentations and recordings from CRISP events here!

Plant native species    

You can buy native plant species from various local Tree & Shrub Programs; click here to learn more.

Encourage nursery owners to carry and promote Native Species

Tell them that they can buy native plant species from various local Tree & Shrub Programs; click here to learn more.

  •  Don’t Move Firewood! Firewood is one of the leading vectors in transporting forest pests.

  •  Contact CRISP for advice on removing invasive plants currently on your property

  •  Clean your gear (waders, boats, paddles, fishing gear, hiking boots, ATV tires) before recreating in a new area

  •  Educate others about this threat!