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Pets as Pests: Pet Release Pathways

Join CRISP and Don’t Let it Loose to learn about how our beloved pets can quickly become pests when let loose in non-native environments.

The rapid growth of pet ownership nationally and the increase in species availability emphasize the importance of invasive species prevention and responsible pet ownership messaging. With the added knowledge that invasive species are overrepresented in the global pet trade, we must take urgent steps to educate pet owners about the risks of released or escaped pets. Don’t Let It Loose is dedicated to reducing instances of pet release and the introduction of invasive species through the pet industry. For years, Invasive Species Action Network (ISAN) has played a key role in managing the Don’t Let It Loose program, partnering with state agencies, independent pet stores, industry leaders, educators, and manufacturing partners to promote responsible pet ownership and pet rehoming when necessary.

The effectiveness of the Don’t Let It Loose messaging and branding lies in its simplicity, clarity, and consistency. The program's reach has steadily grown, with new partnerships forming in more states each year. ISAN has collaborated with agencies to post signage at high-risk water bodies and leveraged social media, targeted advertising, and online educational resources to extend its reach even further.

Looking ahead, the program has opportunities for expansion into rehoming capabilities and the development of more educational resources for aquarists, pet owners, educators, and managers. This presentation will outline the impacts and occurrences of released pets, highlight the importance of the message, identify ongoing challenges, and explore new opportunities and advancements for the program and its dedicated partners.

Missed the first Pets as Pest webinar? Watch it here