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Working with Your Landscape: Planting & Care of Native Plants

The Woodstock NY Pollinator Pathway Project
presents a Virtual Presentation with Ecological Landscape Designer Karin Ursula Edmondson
Working with Your Landscape: Planting and Care of Native Plants
July 9th, 7pm

With the ecological approach to gardening knowing what your site offers in terms of sun, moisture, soil and existing plants is paramount to the success of your planting project. The Woodstock NY Pollinator Pathway has invited master ecological landscape designer Karin Ursula Edmondson back for two more virtual presentations to help us get to know what we are working with in our own landscapes.

In her second presentation, Karin Ursula Edmondson will focus on how to plant and care for native plants with special emphasis placed on native pollinator-friendly plants. Both programs will be one hour in length with Q&A periods. Each presentation will be offered free on Zoom and live-streamed on the Woodstock NY Pollinator Pathway’s Facebook page

Register for Working with Your Landscape: Planting and Care of Native Plants on July 9th at the following link

Karin Ursula Edmondson is a landscape designer and a member of the Ecological Landscape Alliance, an organization that promotes sustainable approaches to landscape design, construction, and management. Since 2008 Edmondson has been designing and building gardens in the Catskill Mountains. After years of working firsthand with the soil meeting the insects and spiders up close and witnessing firsthand the success of native plants in Catskill climate extremes, Edmondson shifted to an ecological approach to design. In ecological horticulture native plants, animals, insects and humans work together to create stability, balance and resilience often minimizing the need for costly inputs of materials and labor. Very importantly, gardens with ecology at heart and native plants as foundation are beautiful and biodiverse, speaking to the human soul while supporting pollinators, birds and other wildlife.

The Woodstock NY Pollinator Pathway is helping to create essential habitat in our community for our vital and vulnerable pollinators. Woodstock NY Pollinator Pathway is a project of Woodstock Land Conservancy, The Catskill Center, Woodstock NY Transition, The Woodstock Environmental Commission and Community Member Partners.