Our mission is to promote education, prevention, early detection and control of invasive species to limit their impact on the ecosystems and economies of the Catskills.
Invasive species
Spot an invasive species? Let us know.
Report sightings
CRISP reports invasive species observations to iMapInvasives, where scientists and land managers from around the world can view the distribution of invasive species throughout New York and other states.
You need an account to report sightings in iMapInvasives. You can sign up for one here. If you want to report an invasive species without an iMapInvasives account, you can always let us know about it here.
iMapInvasives is an on-line, GIS-based data management system used to assist citizen scientists and natural resource professionals working to protect our natural resources from the threat of invasive species. In New York, it is sponsored by the New York Natural Heritage Program.
Want to help?
CRISP is looking for volunteer Lanternfly Spotters to monitor for Spotted Lanternfly. Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive pest from Asia that feeds on 100 plant species including tree-of-heaven and threaten's New York's apple and grape crops.